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k-Flow Decomposition

This class implements a solver for the problem of decomposing a flow into a given number \(k\) of paths (\(k\)-flow decomposition). This problem is a generalization of Minimum Flow Decomposition, in the sense that we are also given the number of paths that we need to decompose the flow in.

The class MinFlowDecomp uses this class internally to find the minimum value of \(k\) for which a \(k\)-flow decomposition exists.


Suppose that the number of paths of a minimum flow decomposition is \(k^*\). If we ask for a decomposition with \(k > k^*\) paths, this class will always return a decomposition with \(k\) paths, but some paths might have weight 0.


kFlowDecomp(G: DiGraph, flow_attr: str, k: int, weight_type: type = float, subpath_constraints: list = [], subpath_constraints_coverage: float = 1.0, subpath_constraints_coverage_length: float = None, edge_length_attr: str = None, optimization_options: dict = None, solver_options: dict = None)

Bases: AbstractPathModelDAG

Class to decompose a flow into a given number of weighted paths.

Initialize the Flow Decompostion model for a given number of paths num_paths.


  • G : nx.DiGraph

    The input directed acyclic graph, as networkx DiGraph.

  • flow_attr : str

    The attribute name from where to get the flow values on the edges.

  • k: int

    The number of paths to decompose in.

  • weight_type : type, optional

    The type of weights (int or float). Default is float.

  • subpath_constraints : list, optional

    List of subpath constraints. Default is an empty list. Each subpath constraint is a list of edges that must be covered by some solution path, according to the subpath_constraints_coverage or subpath_constraints_coverage_length parameters (see below).

  • subpath_constraints_coverage : float, optional

    Coverage fraction of the subpath constraints that must be covered by some solution paths.

    Defaults to 1.0 (meaning that 100% of the edges of the constraint need to be covered by some solution path). See subpath constraints documentation

  • subpath_constraints_coverage_length : float, optional

    Coverage length of the subpath constraints. Default is None. If set, this overrides subpath_constraints_coverage, and the coverage constraint is expressed in terms of the subpath constraint length. subpath_constraints_coverage_length is then the fraction of the total length of the constraint (specified via edge_length_attr) needs to appear in some solution path. See subpath constraints documentation

  • edge_length_attr : str, optional

    Attribute name for edge lengths. Default is None.

  • optimization_options : dict, optional

    Dictionary with the optimization options. Default is None. See optimization options documentation. This class also supports the optimization "optimize_with_greedy": True (this is the default value). This will use a greedy algorithm to solve the problem, and if the number of paths returned by it equals a lowerbound on the solution size, then we know the greedy solution is optimum, and it will use that. The lowerbound used currently is the edge-width of the graph, meaning the minimum number of paths needed to cover all edges. This is a correct lowerbound because any flow decomposition must cover all edges, as they have non-zero flow.

  • solver_options : dict, optional

    Dictionary with the solver options. Default is None. See solver options documentation.


  • ValueError: If weight_type is not int or float.
  • ValueError: If some edge does not have the flow attribute specified as flow_attr.
  • ValueError: If the graph does not satisfy flow conservation on nodes different from source or sink.
  • ValueError: If the graph contains edges with negative (<0) flow values.
Source code in flowpaths/
def __init__(
    G: nx.DiGraph,
    flow_attr: str,
    k: int,
    weight_type: type = float,
    subpath_constraints: list = [],
    subpath_constraints_coverage: float = 1.0,
    subpath_constraints_coverage_length: float = None,
    edge_length_attr: str = None,
    optimization_options: dict = None,
    solver_options: dict = None,
    Initialize the Flow Decompostion model for a given number of paths `num_paths`.

    - `G : nx.DiGraph`

        The input directed acyclic graph, as networkx DiGraph.

    - `flow_attr : str`

        The attribute name from where to get the flow values on the edges.

    - `k: int`

        The number of paths to decompose in.

    - `weight_type : type`, optional

        The type of weights (`int` or `float`). Default is `float`.

    - `subpath_constraints : list`, optional

        List of subpath constraints. Default is an empty list. 
        Each subpath constraint is a list of edges that must be covered by some solution path, according 
        to the `subpath_constraints_coverage` or `subpath_constraints_coverage_length` parameters (see below).

    - `subpath_constraints_coverage : float`, optional

        Coverage fraction of the subpath constraints that must be covered by some solution paths. 

        Defaults to `1.0` (meaning that 100% of the edges of the constraint need to be covered by some solution path). See [subpath constraints documentation](

    - `subpath_constraints_coverage_length : float`, optional

        Coverage length of the subpath constraints. Default is `None`. If set, this overrides `subpath_constraints_coverage`, 
        and the coverage constraint is expressed in terms of the subpath constraint length. 
        `subpath_constraints_coverage_length` is then the fraction of the total length of the constraint (specified via `edge_length_attr`) needs to appear in some solution path.
        See [subpath constraints documentation](

    - `edge_length_attr : str`, optional

        Attribute name for edge lengths. Default is `None`.

    - `optimization_options : dict`, optional

        Dictionary with the optimization options. Default is `None`. See [optimization options documentation](
        This class also supports the optimization `"optimize_with_greedy": True` (this is the default value). This
        will use a greedy algorithm to solve the problem, and if the number of paths returned by it equals a lowerbound on the solution size,
        then we know the greedy solution is optimum, and it will use that. The lowerbound used currently is the edge-width of the graph,
        meaning the minimum number of paths needed to cover all edges. This is a correct lowerbound because any flow decomposition must cover all edges, 
        as they have non-zero flow.

    - `solver_options : dict`, optional

        Dictionary with the solver options. Default is `None`. See [solver options documentation](

    - ValueError: If `weight_type` is not int or float.
    - ValueError: If some edge does not have the flow attribute specified as `flow_attr`.
    - ValueError: If the graph does not satisfy flow conservation on nodes different from source or sink.
    - ValueError: If the graph contains edges with negative (<0) flow values.

    self.G = stdigraph.stDiGraph(G)

    if weight_type not in [int, float]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"weight_type must be either int or float, not {weight_type}"
    self.weight_type = weight_type

    # Check requirements on input graph:
    # Check flow conservation
    if not gu.check_flow_conservation(G, flow_attr):
        raise ValueError("The graph G does not satisfy flow conservation.")

    # Check that the flow is positive and get max flow value
    self.edges_to_ignore = self.G.source_sink_edges
    self.flow_attr = flow_attr
    self.w_max = self.weight_type(
            flow_attr=self.flow_attr, edges_to_ignore=self.edges_to_ignore

    self.k = k
    self.subpath_constraints = subpath_constraints
    self.subpath_constraints_coverage = subpath_constraints_coverage
    self.subpath_constraints_coverage_length = subpath_constraints_coverage_length
    self.edge_length_attr = edge_length_attr

    self.pi_vars = {}
    self.path_weights_vars = {}

    self.path_weights_sol = None
    self.__solution = None
    self.__lowerbound_k = None

    self.solve_statistics = {}
    self.optimization_options = optimization_options or {}

    greedy_solution_paths = None
    self.optimize_with_greedy = self.optimization_options.get("optimize_with_greedy", kFlowDecomp.optimize_with_greedy)
    if self.optimize_with_greedy:
        if self.__get_solution_with_greedy():
            greedy_solution_paths = self.__solution["paths"]
            self.optimization_options["external_solution_paths"] = greedy_solution_paths
    self.optimization_options["trusted_edges_for_safety"] = self.G.get_non_zero_flow_edges(flow_attr=self.flow_attr, edges_to_ignore=self.edges_to_ignore)

    # Call the constructor of the parent class AbstractPathModelDAG

    # If already solved with a previous method, we don't create solver, not add paths
    if self.is_solved():

    # This method is called from the super class AbstractPathModelDAG

    # This method is called from the current class to encode the flow decomposition



Retrieves the solution for the flow decomposition problem.

If the solution has already been computed and cached as self.solution, it returns the cached solution. Otherwise, it checks if the problem has been solved, computes the solution paths and weights, and caches the solution.

  • solution: dict

    A dictionary containing the solution paths (key "paths") and their corresponding weights (key "weights").

  • exception If model is not solved.
Source code in flowpaths/
def get_solution(self):
    Retrieves the solution for the flow decomposition problem.

    If the solution has already been computed and cached as `self.solution`, it returns the cached solution.
    Otherwise, it checks if the problem has been solved, computes the solution paths and weights,
    and caches the solution.

    - `solution: dict`

        A dictionary containing the solution paths (key `"paths"`) and their corresponding weights (key `"weights"`).

    - `exception` If model is not solved.

    if self.__solution is not None:
        return self.__solution

    weights_sol_dict = self.solver.get_variable_values("w", [int])
    self.path_weights_sol = [
            if self.weight_type == int
            else float(weights_sol_dict[i])
        for i in range(self.k)

    self.__solution = {
        "paths": self.get_solution_paths(),
        "weights": self.path_weights_sol,

    return self.__solution



Checks if the solution is valid by comparing the flow from paths with the flow attribute in the graph edges.

  • ValueError: If the solution is not available (i.e., self.solution is None).
  • bool: True if the solution is valid, False otherwise.
  • get_solution() must be called before this method.
  • The solution is considered valid if the flow from paths is equal (up to TOLERANCE * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]) to the flow value of the graph edges.
Source code in flowpaths/
def is_valid_solution(self, tolerance=0.001):
    Checks if the solution is valid by comparing the flow from paths with the flow attribute in the graph edges.

    - ValueError: If the solution is not available (i.e., self.solution is None).

    - bool: True if the solution is valid, False otherwise.

    - get_solution() must be called before this method.
    - The solution is considered valid if the flow from paths is equal
        (up to `TOLERANCE * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]`) to the flow value of the graph edges.

    if self.__solution is None:
        raise ValueError("Solution is not available. Call get_solution() first.")

    solution_paths = self.__solution["paths"]
    solution_weights = self.__solution["weights"]
    solution_paths_of_edges = [
        [(path[i], path[i + 1]) for i in range(len(path) - 1)]
        for path in solution_paths

    flow_from_paths = {(u, v): 0 for (u, v) in self.G.edges()}
    num_paths_on_edges = {e: 0 for e in self.G.edges()}
    for weight, path in zip(solution_weights, solution_paths_of_edges):
        for e in path:
            flow_from_paths[e] += weight
            num_paths_on_edges[e] += 1

    for u, v, data in self.G.edges(data=True):
        if self.flow_attr in data and (u,v) not in self.edges_to_ignore:
            if (
                abs(flow_from_paths[(u, v)] - data[self.flow_attr])
                > tolerance * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]
                return False

    return True