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k-Minimum Path Error

In the k-Minimum Path Error problem tries to model problems where the weight along a path is not constant. As such, edges that appear in more solution paths will be allowed to have a higher error (i.e. difference betweehn their input weight/flow value and the sum of the weights of the paths that use them). More formally, path now receive also a slack, which intuitively models how much the weight along a path can vary. Ideally, we can decompose the weighted graphs with \(k\) paths that overall have small slack values.

1. Definition

The k-Minimum Path Error problem on a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is defined as follows:

  • INPUT:

    • A directed graph \(G = (V,E)\), and a weight function on \(G\), namely weights \(f(u,v)\) for every edge \((u,v)\) of \(G\). The weights are arbitrary non-negative numbers and do not need to satisfy flow conservation.
    • \(k \in \mathbb{Z}\)
  • OUTPUT: A list of \(k\) of source-to-sink paths, \(P_1,\dots,P_k\), with a weight \(w_i\), and a slack \(\rho_i\) associated to each \(P_i\), that satisfy the constraint $$ \left|f(u,v) - \sum_{i \in \{1,\dots,k\} : (u,v) \in P_i }w_i\right| \leq \sum_{i \in \{1,\dots,k\} : (u,v) \in P_i }\rho_i, ~\forall (u,v) \in E, $$ and minimize the objective function $$ \rho_1 + \cdots + \rho_k. $$

2. Generalizations

This class implements a more general version, as follows:

  1. The paths can start/end not only in source/sink nodes, but also in given sets of start/end nodes (set parameters additional_starts and additional_ends). See also Additional start/end nodes.
  2. This class supports adding subpath constraints, that is, lists of edges that must appear in some solution path. See Subpath constraints for details.
  3. The above constrating can happen only over a given subset \(E' \subseteq E\) of the edges (set parameter edges_to_ignore to be \(E \setminus E'\)),
  4. The error (i.e. the above absolute of the difference) of every edge can contribute differently to the objective function, according to a scale factor \(\in [0,1]\). Set these via a dictionary that you pass to edge_error_scaling, which stores the scale factor \(\lambda_{(u,v)} \in [0,1]\) of each edge \((u,v)\) in the dictionary. Setting \(\lambda_{(u,v)} = 0\) will add the edge \((u,v)\) to edges_to_ignore, because the constraint for \((u,v)\) becomes always true.
  5. Another way to relax the constraint is to allow also some loosenes in the slack value, based on the length of the solution path. Intuitively, suppose that longer paths have even higher variance in their weight across the edges of the path, while shorter paths less. Formally, suppose that we have a function \(\alpha : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\) that for every solution path length \(\ell\), it returns a multiplicative factor \(\alpha(\ell)\). Then, we can multiply each path slack \(\rho_i\) by \(\alpha(|P_i|)\) in the constraint of the problem (where \(|P_i|\) denotes the length of solution path \(P_i\)). In the above example, we could set \(\alpha(\ell) > 1\) for “large” lengths \(\ell\). Note that in this model we keep the same objective function (i.e. sum of slacks), and thus this multiplier has no effect on the objective value. You can pass the function \(\alpha\) to the class as a piecewise encoding, via parameters path_length_ranges and path_length_factors, see kMinPathError().

Generalized constraint

Formally, the constraint generalized as in 3., 4. and 5. above is: $$ \lambda_{u,v} \cdot \left|f(u,v) - \sum_{i \in \{1,\dots,k\} : (u,v) \in P_i }w_i\right| \leq \sum_{i \in \{1,\dots,k\} : (u,v) \in P_i }\rho_i \cdot \alpha(|P_i|), ~\forall (u,v) \in E’. $$

3. References

  1. Fernando H. C. Dias, Alexandru I. Tomescu Accurate Flow Decomposition via Robust Integer Linear Programming IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 21(6), 1955-1964, 2024 (preprint)


kMinPathError(G: DiGraph, flow_attr: str, k: int, weight_type: type = float, subpath_constraints: list = [], subpath_constraints_coverage: float = 1.0, subpath_constraints_coverage_length: float = None, edge_length_attr: str = None, edges_to_ignore: list = [], edge_error_scaling: dict = {}, path_length_ranges: list = [], path_length_factors: list = [], additional_starts: list = [], additional_ends: list = [], optimization_options: dict = None, solver_options: dict = None)

Bases: AbstractPathModelDAG

This class implements the k-MinPathError model from Dias, Tomescu, “Accurate Flow Decomposition via Robust Integer Linear Programming”, IEEE/ACM TCBB 2024 (see also

Given an edge-weighted DAG, this model looks for k paths, with associated weights and slacks, such that for every edge (u,v), the sum of the weights of the paths going through (u,v) minus the flow value of (u,v) is at most the sum of the slacks of the paths going through (u,v). The objective is to minimize the sum of the slacks.

The paths start in any source node of the graph and end in any sink node of the graph. You can allow for additional start or end nodes by specifying them in the additional_starts and additional_ends parameters.

Initialize the Min Path Error model for a given number of paths.


  • G: nx.DiGraph

    The input directed acyclic graph, as networkx DiGraph.

  • flow_attr: str

    The attribute name from where to get the flow values on the edges.

  • k: int

    The number of paths to decompose in.

  • weight_type: int | float, optional

    The type of the weights and slacks (int or float). Default is float.

  • subpath_constraints : list, optional

    List of subpath constraints. Default is an empty list. Each subpath constraint is a list of edges that must be covered by some solution path, according to the subpath_constraints_coverage or subpath_constraints_coverage_length parameters (see below).

  • subpath_constraints_coverage : float, optional

    Coverage fraction of the subpath constraints that must be covered by some solution paths.

    Defaults to 1.0 (meaning that 100% of the edges of the constraint need to be covered by some solution path). See subpath constraints documentation

  • subpath_constraints_coverage_length : float, optional

    Coverage length of the subpath constraints. Default is None. If set, this overrides subpath_constraints_coverage, and the coverage constraint is expressed in terms of the subpath constraint length. subpath_constraints_coverage_length is then the fraction of the total length of the constraint (specified via edge_length_attr) needs to appear in some solution path. See subpath constraints documentation

  • edges_to_ignore: list, optional

    List of edges to ignore when adding constrains on flow explanation by the weighted paths and their slack. Default is an empty list.

  • edge_error_scaling: dict, optional

    Dictionary edge: factor storing the error scale factor (in [0,1]) of every edge, which scale the allowed difference between edge weight and path weights. Default is an empty dict. If an edge has a missing error scale factor, it is assumed to be 1. The factors are used to scale the difference between the flow value of the edge and the sum of the weights of the paths going through the edge.

  • path_length_ranges: list, optional

    List of ranges for the solution path lengths. Default is an empty list. If this list is not empty, the solution path slacks are scaled by the corresponding factor in path_length_factors depending on the length of the solution path.


    If you pass

    path_length_ranges    = [[0, 15], [16, 18], [19, 20], [21, 30], [31, 100000]]
    path_length_factors   = [ 1.6   ,  1.0    ,  1.3    ,  1.7    ,  1.0        ]    
    For example, if a path has length in the range [0, 15], its slack will be multiplied by 1.6 when comparing the flow value of the edge to the sum of path slacks, but this multiplier will have no effect on the objective function. That is, in the objective function we still minimize the sum of path slacks, not the sum of scaled path slacks.

  • path_length_factors: list, optional

    List of slack scale factors, based on the path lengths. Default is an empty list. If this list is not empty, the path slacks are scaled by the corresponding factor in path_length_factors depending on the length of the path. See the above example.

  • additional_starts: list, optional

    List of additional start nodes of the paths. Default is an empty list.

  • additional_ends: list, optional

    List of additional end nodes of the paths. Default is an empty list.

  • optimization_options: dict, optional

    Dictionary with the optimization options. Default is None. See optimization options documentation.

  • solver_options: dict, optional

    Dictionary with the solver options. Default is None. See solver options documentation.


  • ValueError

    • If weight_type is not int or float.
    • If some edge does not have the flow attribute specified as flow_attr.
    • If path_length_factors is not empty and weight_type is float.
    • If the number of path length ranges is not equal to the number of error scale factors.
    • If the edge error scaling factor is not between 0 and 1.
    • If the graph contains edges with negative (<0) flow values.
Source code in flowpaths/
def __init__(
    G: nx.DiGraph,
    flow_attr: str,
    k: int,
    weight_type: type = float,
    subpath_constraints: list = [],
    subpath_constraints_coverage: float = 1.0,
    subpath_constraints_coverage_length: float = None,
    edge_length_attr: str = None,
    edges_to_ignore: list = [],
    edge_error_scaling: dict = {},
    path_length_ranges: list = [],
    path_length_factors: list = [],
    additional_starts: list = [],
    additional_ends: list = [],
    optimization_options: dict = None,
    solver_options: dict = None,
    Initialize the Min Path Error model for a given number of paths.

    - `G: nx.DiGraph`

        The input directed acyclic graph, as networkx DiGraph.

    - `flow_attr: str`

        The attribute name from where to get the flow values on the edges.

    - `k: int`

        The number of paths to decompose in.

    - `weight_type: int | float`, optional

        The type of the weights and slacks (`int` or `float`). Default is `float`.

     - `subpath_constraints : list`, optional

        List of subpath constraints. Default is an empty list. 
        Each subpath constraint is a list of edges that must be covered by some solution path, according 
        to the `subpath_constraints_coverage` or `subpath_constraints_coverage_length` parameters (see below).

    - `subpath_constraints_coverage : float`, optional

        Coverage fraction of the subpath constraints that must be covered by some solution paths. 

        Defaults to `1.0` (meaning that 100% of the edges of the constraint need to be covered by some solution path). See [subpath constraints documentation](

    - `subpath_constraints_coverage_length : float`, optional

        Coverage length of the subpath constraints. Default is `None`. If set, this overrides `subpath_constraints_coverage`, 
        and the coverage constraint is expressed in terms of the subpath constraint length. 
        `subpath_constraints_coverage_length` is then the fraction of the total length of the constraint (specified via `edge_length_attr`) needs to appear in some solution path.
        See [subpath constraints documentation](

    - `edges_to_ignore: list`, optional

        List of edges to ignore when adding constrains on flow explanation by the weighted paths and their slack.
        Default is an empty list.

    - `edge_error_scaling: dict`, optional

        Dictionary `edge: factor` storing the error scale factor (in [0,1]) of every edge, which scale the allowed difference between edge weight and path weights.
        Default is an empty dict. If an edge has a missing error scale factor, it is assumed to be 1. The factors are used to scale the 
        difference between the flow value of the edge and the sum of the weights of the paths going through the edge.

    - `path_length_ranges: list`, optional

        List of ranges for the solution path lengths. Default is an empty list. If this list is not empty, the solution path slacks are scaled by the
        corresponding factor in `path_length_factors` depending on the length of the solution path.

        !!! example "Example"
            If you pass
            path_length_ranges    = [[0, 15], [16, 18], [19, 20], [21, 30], [31, 100000]]
            path_length_factors   = [ 1.6   ,  1.0    ,  1.3    ,  1.7    ,  1.0        ]    
            For example, if a path has length in the range [0, 15], its slack will be multiplied by 1.6 when comparing the 
            flow value of the edge to the sum of path slacks, but this multiplier will have no effect on the objective function.
            That is, in the objective function we still minimize the sum of path slacks, not the sum of scaled path slacks.

    - `path_length_factors: list`, optional

        List of slack scale factors, based on the path lengths. Default is an empty list. If this list is not empty, the path slacks are scaled by the
        corresponding factor in `path_length_factors` depending on the length of the path. See the above example.

    - `additional_starts: list`, optional

        List of additional start nodes of the paths. Default is an empty list.

    - `additional_ends: list`, optional

        List of additional end nodes of the paths. Default is an empty list.

    - `optimization_options: dict`, optional

        Dictionary with the optimization options. Default is `None`. See [optimization options documentation](

    - `solver_options: dict`, optional

        Dictionary with the solver options. Default is `None`. See [solver options documentation](

    - `ValueError`

        - If `weight_type` is not int or float.
        - If some edge does not have the flow attribute specified as `flow_attr`.
        - If `path_length_factors` is not empty and `weight_type` is float.
        - If the number of path length ranges is not equal to the number of error scale factors.
        - If the edge error scaling factor is not between 0 and 1.
        - If the graph contains edges with negative (<0) flow values.            

    self.G = stdigraph.stDiGraph(G, additional_starts=additional_starts, additional_ends=additional_ends)

    if weight_type not in [int, float]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"weight_type must be either int or float, not {weight_type}"
    self.weight_type = weight_type

    self.edges_to_ignore = set(edges_to_ignore).union(self.G.source_sink_edges)

    self.flow_attr = flow_attr
    self.w_max = k * self.weight_type(
            flow_attr=self.flow_attr, edges_to_ignore=self.edges_to_ignore

    self.k = k
    self.subpath_constraints = subpath_constraints
    self.subpath_constraints_coverage = subpath_constraints_coverage
    self.subpath_constraints_coverage_length = subpath_constraints_coverage_length
    self.edge_length_attr = edge_length_attr
    self.edge_error_scaling = edge_error_scaling
    # Checking that every entry in self.edge_error_scaling is between 0 and 1
    for key, value in self.edge_error_scaling.items():
        if value < 0 or value > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Edge error scaling factor for edge {key} must be between 0 and 1.")
        if value == 0:

    self.path_length_ranges = path_length_ranges
    self.path_length_factors = path_length_factors
    if len(self.path_length_ranges) != len(self.path_length_factors):
        raise ValueError("The number of path length ranges must be equal to the number of error scale factors.")
    if len(self.path_length_factors) > 0 and self.weight_type == float:
        raise ValueError("Error scale factors are only allowed for integer weights.")

    self.pi_vars = {}
    self.path_weights_vars = {}
    self.path_slacks_vars = {}

    self.path_weights_sol = None
    self.path_slacks_sol = None
    self.path_slacks_scaled_sol = None
    self.__solution = None
    self.__lowerbound_k = None

    self.solve_statistics = {}

    self.optimization_options = optimization_options or {}
    self.optimization_options["trusted_edges_for_safety"] = self.G.get_non_zero_flow_edges(
        flow_attr=self.flow_attr, edges_to_ignore=self.edges_to_ignore

    # Call the constructor of the parent class AbstractPathModelDAG

    # This method is called from the super class AbstractPathModelDAG

    # This method is called from the current class 

    # This method is called from the current class to add the objective function



Retrieves the solution for the flow decomposition problem.

If the solution has already been computed and cached as self.solution, it returns the cached solution. Otherwise, it checks if the problem has been solved, computes the solution paths, weights, slacks and caches the solution.


Make sure you called .solve() before calling this method.

  • solution: dict

    A dictionary containing the solution paths (key "paths") and their corresponding weights (key "weights") and slacks (key "slacks"). If path_length_factors is not empty, it also contains the scaled slacks (key "scaled_slacks").

  • exception If model is not solved.
Source code in flowpaths/
def get_solution(self):
    Retrieves the solution for the flow decomposition problem.

    If the solution has already been computed and cached as `self.solution`, it returns the cached solution.
    Otherwise, it checks if the problem has been solved, computes the solution paths, weights, slacks
    and caches the solution.

    !!! warning "Warning"
        Make sure you called `.solve()` before calling this method.

    - `solution: dict`

        A dictionary containing the solution paths (key `"paths"`) and their corresponding weights (key `"weights"`) and slacks (key `"slacks"`). 
        If `path_length_factors` is not empty, it also contains the scaled slacks (key `"scaled_slacks"`).

    - `exception` If model is not solved.

    if self.__solution is not None:
        return self.__solution


    weights_sol_dict = self.solver.get_variable_values("weights", [int])
    self.path_weights_sol = [
            if self.weight_type == int
            else float(weights_sol_dict[i])
        for i in range(self.k)
    slacks_sol_dict = self.solver.get_variable_values("slack", [int])
    self.path_slacks_sol = [
            if self.weight_type == int
            else float(slacks_sol_dict[i])
        for i in range(self.k)

    self.__solution = {
        "paths": self.get_solution_paths(),
        "weights": self.path_weights_sol,
        "slacks": self.path_slacks_sol

    if len(self.path_length_factors) > 0:
        slacks_scaled_sol_dict = self.solver.get_variable_values("scaled_slack", index_types=[int])
        self.path_slacks_scaled_sol = [slacks_scaled_sol_dict[i] for i in range(self.k)]

        self.__solution["scaled_slacks"] = self.path_slacks_scaled_sol

    return self.__solution



Checks if the solution is valid by checking of the weighted paths and their slacks satisfy the constraints of the problem.


Make sure you called .solve() before calling this method.

  • ValueError: If the solution is not available.
  • bool: True if the solution is valid, False otherwise.
  • get_solution() must be called before this method.
  • The solution is considered valid if the flow from paths is equal (up to tolerance * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]) to the flow value of the graph edges.
Source code in flowpaths/
def is_valid_solution(self, tolerance=0.001):
    Checks if the solution is valid by checking of the weighted paths and their slacks satisfy the constraints of the problem. 

    !!! warning "Warning"
        Make sure you called `.solve()` before calling this method.

    - `ValueError`: If the solution is not available.

    - `bool`: `True` if the solution is valid, `False` otherwise.

    - `get_solution()` must be called before this method.
    - The solution is considered valid if the flow from paths is equal
        (up to `tolerance * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]`) to the flow value of the graph edges.

    if self.__solution is None:

    solution_paths = self.__solution["paths"]
    solution_weights = self.__solution["weights"]
    solution_slacks = self.__solution["slacks"]
    if len(self.path_length_factors) > 0:
        solution_slacks = self.__solution["scaled_slacks"]
    solution_paths_of_edges = [
        [(path[i], path[i + 1]) for i in range(len(path) - 1)]
        for path in solution_paths

    weight_from_paths = {(u, v): 0 for (u, v) in self.G.edges()}
    slack_from_paths = {(u, v): 0 for (u, v) in self.G.edges()}
    num_paths_on_edges = {e: 0 for e in self.G.edges()}
    for weight, slack, path in zip(
        solution_weights, solution_slacks, solution_paths_of_edges
        for e in path:
            weight_from_paths[e] += weight
            slack_from_paths[e] += slack
            num_paths_on_edges[e] += 1

    for u, v, data in self.G.edges(data=True):
        if self.flow_attr in data and (u,v) not in self.edges_to_ignore:
            if (
                abs(data[self.flow_attr] - weight_from_paths[(u, v)])
                > tolerance * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)] + slack_from_paths[(u, v)]
                # print(self.solution)
                # print("num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)]", num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)])
                # print("slack_from_paths[(u, v)]", slack_from_paths[(u, v)])
                # print("data[self.flow_attr] = ", data[self.flow_attr])
                # print(f"weight_from_paths[({u}, {v})]) = ", weight_from_paths[(u, v)])
                # print("> ", tolerance * num_paths_on_edges[(u, v)] + slack_from_paths[(u, v)])

                # var_dict = {var: val for var, val in zip(self.solver.get_all_variable_names(),self.solver.get_all_variable_values())}
                # print(var_dict)

                # return False

    if abs(self.get_objective_value() - self.solver.get_objective_value()) > tolerance * self.k:
        print("self.get_objective_value()", self.get_objective_value())
        print("self.solver.get_objective_value()", self.solver.get_objective_value())
        return False

    # Checking that the error scale factor is correctly encoded
    if len(self.path_length_factors) > 0:
        path_length_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("path_length", [int])
        slack_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("slack", [int])
        path_slack_scaled_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("path_slack_scaled", [int])
        scaled_slack_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("scaled_slack", [int])

        for i in range(self.k):
            # Checking which interval the path length is in,
            # and then checking if the error scale factor is correctly encoded, 
            for index, interval in enumerate(self.path_length_ranges):
                if path_length_sol[i] >= interval[0] and path_length_sol[i] <= interval[1]:
                    if abs(path_slack_scaled_sol[i] - self.path_length_factors[index]) > tolerance:
                        print("path_length_sol", path_length_sol)
                        print("slack_sol", slack_sol)
                        print("path_slack_scaled_sol", path_slack_scaled_sol)
                        print("scaled_slack_sol", scaled_slack_sol)

                        return False

    if not self.verify_edge_position():
        return False

    if not self.verify_path_length():
        return False

    # var_dict = {var: val for var, val in zip(self.solver.get_all_variable_names(),self.solver.get_all_variable_values())}
    # print(var_dict)
    # self.solver.write_model("kminpatherror.lp")

    # gamma_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("gamma", [str, str, int])
    # pi_sol = self.solver.get_variable_values("pi", [str, str, int])

    # print("pi_sol", pi_sol)
    # print("gamma_sol", gamma_sol)

    return True