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Solver options and optimizations

The AbstractPathModelDAG class can receive several options for the Mixed Integer Linear Programming solvers that is uses to solve the problems.

1. MILP solver options

Set this options by passing a dictionary solver_options, with the following possible keys, and values:

  • "threads" (int): Number of threads to use. Defaults to 4.
  • "time_limit" (int): Time limit for solving in secods. Defaults to 300.
  • "presolve" (str): Presolve option. Defaults to "choose".
  • "log_to_console" (str): Log to console option. Defaults to "false".
  • "external_solver" (str): External solver to use. Defaults to "highs".

Time limit

Large or complex graphs may take more than the default 300 seconds to run. In this case, your_model.is_solved() will be False. You can also check the model status with your_model.get_model_status(). If it equals "kTimeLimit", then you should pass a larger "time_limit".


solver_options = {
    "threads": 8,
    "time_limit": 3600,

your_model = fp.kMinPathError(

2. Optimizations

Flowpaths implements several optimizations that reduce the search space for the solution paths, based on the structure of the graph, while guaranteeing exact solutions. A typical user does not need to worry about these. However, they can be changed by passing a dictionary optimization_options, with the following possible keys, and values:

  • "optimize_with_safe_paths" (bool): Whether to optimize with safe paths. Defaults to True.
  • "optimize_with_safe_sequences" (bool): Whether to optimize with safe sequences. Defaults to False. At the moment, you cannot set both "optimize_with_safe_paths" and "optimize_with_safe_sequences".
  • "optimize_with_safe_zero_edges" (bool): Whether to optimize with safe zero edges. Defaults to False. You cannot set this without setting one of the above.


optimization_options = {
    "optimize_with_safe_paths": False,
    "optimize_with_safe_sequences": True

your_model = fp.kMinPathError(