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Solver Wrapper


SolverWrapper(external_solver='highs', **kwargs)

A wrapper class for the both the HiGHS (highspy) and Gurobi (gurobipy) solvers.

This supports the following functionalities:

  • Adding:
    • Variables
    • Constraints
    • Product Constraints, encoding the product of a binary variable and a positive continuous / integer variable
  • Setting the objective
  • Optimizing, and getting the model status
  • Writing the model to a file
  • Getting variable names and values
  • Getting the objective value
Source code in flowpaths/utils/
def __init__(self, external_solver="highs", **kwargs):
    self.external_solver = external_solver
    self.tolerance = kwargs.get("tolerance", SolverWrapper.tolerance)  # Default tolerance value
    if self.tolerance < 1e-9:
        raise ValueError("The tolerance value must be >=1e-9.")

    self.optimization_sense = kwargs.get("optimization_sense", SolverWrapper.optimization_sense)  # Default optimization sense
    if self.optimization_sense not in ["minimize", "maximize"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Optimization sense {self.optimization_sense} is not supported. Only [\"minimize\", \"maximize\"] are supported.")

    self.variable_name_prefixes = []

    if external_solver == "highs":
        self.solver = highspy.Highs()
        self.solver.setOptionValue("threads", kwargs.get("threads", SolverWrapper.threads))
        self.solver.setOptionValue("time_limit", kwargs.get("time_limit", SolverWrapper.time_limit))
        self.solver.setOptionValue("presolve", kwargs.get("presolve", SolverWrapper.presolve))
        self.solver.setOptionValue("log_to_console", kwargs.get("log_to_console", SolverWrapper.log_to_console))
        self.solver.setOptionValue("mip_rel_gap", self.tolerance)
        self.solver.setOptionValue("mip_feasibility_tolerance", self.tolerance)
        self.solver.setOptionValue("mip_abs_gap", self.tolerance)
        self.solver.setOptionValue("mip_rel_gap", self.tolerance)
        self.solver.setOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance", self.tolerance)
    elif external_solver == "gurobi":
        import gurobipy

        self.env = gurobipy.Env(empty=True)
        self.env.setParam("OutputFlag", 0)
        self.env.setParam("LogToConsole", 1 if kwargs.get("log_to_console", SolverWrapper.log_to_console) == "true" else 0)
        self.env.setParam("OutputFlag", 1 if kwargs.get("log_to_console", SolverWrapper.log_to_console) == "true" else 0)
        self.env.setParam("TimeLimit", kwargs.get("time_limit", SolverWrapper.time_limit))
        self.env.setParam("Threads", kwargs.get("threads", SolverWrapper.threads))
        self.env.setParam("MIPGap", self.tolerance)
        self.env.setParam("IntFeasTol", self.tolerance)
        self.env.setParam("FeasibilityTol", self.tolerance)

        self.solver = gurobipy.Model(env=self.env)
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unsupported solver type `{external_solver}`, supported solvers are `highs` and `gurobi`."


add_binary_continuous_product_constraint(binary_var, continuous_var, product_var, lb, ub, name: str)

This function adds constraints to model the equality: binary_var * continuous_var = product_var.

  • binary_var \(\in [0,1]\)
  • lb ≤ continuous_var ≤ ub

This works correctly also if continuous_var is an integer variable.


Name Type Description Default
binary_var variable

The binary variable.

continuous_var variable

The continuous variable (can also be integer).

product_var variable

The variable that should be equal to the product of the binary and continous variables.

lb float

The lower bound of the continuous variable.

ub float

The upper bound of the continuous variable.

name str

The name of the constraint.

Source code in flowpaths/utils/
def add_binary_continuous_product_constraint(self, binary_var, continuous_var, product_var, lb, ub, name: str):
    This function adds constraints to model the equality: `binary_var` * `continuous_var` = `product_var`.

        - `binary_var` $\in [0,1]$
        - lb ≤ `continuous_var` ≤ ub

        This works correctly also if `continuous_var` is an integer variable.

        binary_var (variable): The binary variable.
        continuous_var (variable): The continuous variable (can also be integer).
        product_var (variable): The variable that should be equal to the product of the binary and continous variables.
        lb (float): The lower bound of the continuous variable.
        ub (float): The upper bound of the continuous variable.
        name (str): The name of the constraint.
    self.add_constraint(product_var <= ub * binary_var, name=name + "_a")
    self.add_constraint(product_var >= lb * binary_var, name=name + "_b")
    self.add_constraint(product_var <= continuous_var - lb * (1 - binary_var), name=name + "_c")
    self.add_constraint(product_var >= continuous_var - ub * (1 - binary_var), name=name + "_d")


add_integer_continuous_product_constraint(integer_var, continuous_var, product_var, lb, ub, name: str)
This function adds constraints to model the equality

integer_var * continuous_var = product_var


lb <= product_var <= ub


This works correctly also if continuous_var is an integer variable.


binary_var : Variable The binary variable. continuous_var : Variable The continuous variable (can also be integer). product_var : Variable The variable that should be equal to the product of the binary and continous variables. lb, ub : float The lower and upper bounds of the continuous variable. name : str The name of the constraint

Source code in flowpaths/utils/
def add_integer_continuous_product_constraint(self, integer_var, continuous_var, product_var, lb, ub, name: str):
    This function adds constraints to model the equality:
        integer_var * continuous_var = product_var

    lb <= product_var <= ub

    !!!tip "Note"
        This works correctly also if `continuous_var` is an integer variable.

    binary_var : Variable
        The binary variable.
    continuous_var : Variable
        The continuous variable (can also be integer).
    product_var : Variable
        The variable that should be equal to the product of the binary and continous variables.
    lb, ub : float
        The lower and upper bounds of the continuous variable.
    name : str
        The name of the constraint

    num_bits = ceil(log2(ub + 1))
    bits = list(range(num_bits))

    binary_vars = self.add_variables(

    # We encode integer_var == sum(binary_vars[i] * 2^i)
        sum(binary_vars[i] * 2**i for i in bits) 
        == integer_var, 

    comp_vars = self.add_variables(

    # We encode comp_vars[i] == binary_vars[i] * continuous_var
    for i in bits:

    # We encode product_var == sum_{i in bits} comp_vars[i] * 2^i
        sum(comp_vars[i] * 2**i for i in bits) 
        == product_var, 


add_piecewise_constant_constraint(x, y, ranges: list, constants: list, name_prefix: str)

Enforces that variable y equals a constant from constants depending on the range that x falls into.

For each piece i

if x in [ranges[i][0], ranges[i][1]] then y = constants[i].

  • The ranges must be non-overlapping. Otherwise, if x belongs to more ranges, the solver will choose one arbitrarily.
  • The value of x must be within the union of the ranges. Otherwise the solver will not find a feasible solution.

This is modeled by: - introducing binary variables z[i] with sum(z) = 1, - for each piece i: x >= L_i - M(1 - z[i]) x <= U_i + M(1 - z[i]) y <= constant[i] + M(1 - z[i]) y >= constant[i] - M(1 - z[i])


x: The continuous variable (created earlier) whose value determines the segment. y: The continuous variable whose value equals the corresponding constant. ranges: List of tuples [(L0, U0), (L1, U1), …] constants: List of constants [c0, c1, …] for each segment. name_prefix: A prefix for naming the added variables and constraints.


y: The created piecewise output variable.

Source code in flowpaths/utils/
def add_piecewise_constant_constraint(
    self, x, y, ranges: list, constants: list, name_prefix: str
    Enforces that variable `y` equals a constant from `constants` depending on the range that `x` falls into.

    For each piece i:
        if x in [ranges[i][0], ranges[i][1]] then y = constants[i].

        - The ranges must be non-overlapping. Otherwise, if x belongs to more ranges, the solver will choose one arbitrarily.
        - The value of x must be within the union of the ranges. Otherwise the solver will not find a feasible solution.

    This is modeled by:
    - introducing binary variables z[i] with sum(z) = 1,
    - for each piece i:
            x >= L_i - M*(1 - z[i])
            x <= U_i + M*(1 - z[i])
            y <= constant[i] + M*(1 - z[i])
            y >= constant[i] - M*(1 - z[i])

    x: The continuous variable (created earlier) whose value determines the segment.
    y: The continuous variable whose value equals the corresponding constant.
    ranges: List of tuples [(L0, U0), (L1, U1), ...]
    constants: List of constants [c0, c1, ...] for each segment.
    name_prefix: A prefix for naming the added variables and constraints.

    y: The created piecewise output variable.
    if len(ranges) != len(constants):
        raise ValueError("`ranges` and `constants` must have the same length.")

    pieces = len(ranges)
    Ls = [r[0] for r in ranges]
    Us = [r[1] for r in ranges]
    M = (max(Us) - min(Ls)) * 2

    # Create binary variables z[i] for each piece.
    z = self.add_variables(
        [(i) for i in range(pieces)],

    # Enforce that exactly one piece is active: sum_i z[i] == 1.
    self.add_constraint(sum(z[i] for i in range(pieces)) == 1, name=f"sum_z_{name_prefix}")

    # For each piece i, add the constraints:
    for i in range(pieces):
        L = Ls[i]
        U = Us[i]
        c = constants[i]
        # Link x with the range [L, U] if piece i is active.
        self.add_constraint(x >= L - M * (1 - z[i]), name=f"{name_prefix}_L_{i}")
        self.add_constraint(x <= U + M * (1 - z[i]), name=f"{name_prefix}_U_{i}")
        self.add_constraint(y <= c + M * (1 - z[i]), name=f"{name_prefix}_yU_{i}")
        self.add_constraint(y >= c - M * (1 - z[i]), name=f"{name_prefix}_yL_{i}")


get_variable_values(name_prefix, index_types: list, binary_values: bool = False) -> dict

Retrieve the values of variables whose names start with a given prefix.

This method extracts variable values from the solver, filters them based on a specified prefix, and returns them in a dictionary with appropriate indexing.


Name Type Description Default
name_prefix str

The prefix of the variable names to filter.

index_types list

A list of types corresponding to the indices of the variables. Each type in the list is used to cast the string indices to the appropriate type. If empty, then it is assumed that the variable has no index, and does exact matching with the variable name.

binary_values bool

If True, ensures that the variable values (rounded) are binary (0 or 1). Defaults to False.



Name Type Description
values dict

A dictionary where the keys are the indices of the variables (as tuples or single values) and the values are the corresponding variable values. If index_types is empty, then the unique key is 0 and the value is the variable value.


Type Description

If the length of index_types does not match the number of indices in a variable name.


If binary_values is True and a variable value (rounded) is not binary.

Source code in flowpaths/utils/
def get_variable_values(
    self, name_prefix, index_types: list, binary_values: bool = False 
) -> dict:
    Retrieve the values of variables whose names start with a given prefix.

    This method extracts variable values from the solver, filters them based on a 
    specified prefix, and returns them in a dictionary with appropriate indexing.

        name_prefix (str): The prefix of the variable names to filter.
        index_types (list): A list of types corresponding to the indices of the variables.
                            Each type in the list is used to cast the string indices to 
                            the appropriate type.
                            If empty, then it is assumed that the variable has no index, and does exact matching with the variable name.
        binary_values (bool, optional): If True, ensures that the variable values (rounded) are 
                                        binary (0 or 1). Defaults to False.

        values: A dictionary where the keys are the indices of the variables (as tuples or 
              single values) and the values are the corresponding variable values.
              If index_types is empty, then the unique key is 0 and the value is the variable value.

        Exception: If the length of `index_types` does not match the number of indices 
                   in a variable name.
        Exception: If `binary_values` is True and a variable value (rounded) is not binary.
    varNames = self.get_all_variable_names()
    varValues = self.get_all_variable_values()

    values = dict()

    for index, var in enumerate(varNames):
        # print(f"Checking variable {var} against prefix {name_prefix}")
        if var == name_prefix:
            if len(index_types) > 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"We are getting the value of variable {var}, but the provided list of var_types is not empty ({index_types})."
            values[0] = varValues[index]
            if binary_values and round(values[0]) not in [0,1]:
                raise Exception(f"Variable {var} has value {values[0]}, which is not binary.")
            # We return already, because we are supposed to match only one variable name
            # print("Returning values", values)
            return values

        if var.startswith(name_prefix):
            if var.count("(") == 1:
                elements = [
                    elem.strip(" '")
                    for elem in var.replace(name_prefix, "", 1)
                    .replace("(", "")
                    .replace(")", "")
                tuple_index = tuple(
                    [index_types[i](elements[i]) for i in range(len(elements))]

                if len(index_types) != len(elements):
                    raise Exception(
                        f"We are getting the value of variable {var}, indexed by ({tuple_index}), but the provided list of var_types ({index_types}) has different length."

                values[tuple_index] = varValues[index]
                if (
                    and round(values[tuple_index]) not in [0,1]
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Variable {var} has value {values[tuple_index]}, which is not binary."
                element = var.replace(name_prefix, "", 1)
                if len(index_types) > 1:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"We are getting the value of variable {var}, with only one index ({element}), but the provided list of var_types is not of length one ({index_types})."

                elem_index = index_types[0](element)
                values[elem_index] = varValues[index]
                if (
                    and round(values[elem_index]) not in [0,1]
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Variable {var} has value {values[elem_index]}, which is not binary."

    if binary_values:
        for key in values.keys():
            values[key] = round(values[key])

    return values