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stDiGraph(base_graph: DiGraph, additional_starts: list = [], additional_ends: list = [])

Bases: DiGraph

Source code in flowpaths/
def __init__(
    base_graph: nx.DiGraph,
    additional_starts: list = [],
    additional_ends: list = [],
    # check that every node of base_graph is a string
    for node in base_graph.nodes():
        if not isinstance(node, str):
            raise ValueError("Every node of the graph must be a string.")

    self.base_graph = base_graph
    if "id" in base_graph.graph: = base_graph.graph["id"]
    else: = id(self)
    self.additional_starts = set(additional_starts)
    self.additional_ends = set(additional_ends)
    self.source = f"source_{id(self)}"
    self.sink = f"sink_{id(self)}"





Builds the graph by adding nodes and edges from the base graph, and connecting source and sink nodes.

This method performs the following steps: 1. Checks if the base graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). If not, raises a ValueError. 2. Adds all nodes and edges from the base graph to the current graph. 3. Connects nodes with no incoming edges or specified as additional start nodes to the source node. 4. Connects nodes with no outgoing edges or specified as additional end nodes to the sink node. 5. Stores the edges connected to the source and sink nodes. 6. Initializes the width attribute to None.

  • ValueError: If the base graph is not a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
Source code in flowpaths/
def __build_graph__(self):
    Builds the graph by adding nodes and edges from the base graph, and
    connecting source and sink nodes.

    This method performs the following steps:
    1. Checks if the base graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). If not,
       raises a ValueError.
    2. Adds all nodes and edges from the base graph to the current graph.
    3. Connects nodes with no incoming edges or specified as additional
       start nodes to the source node.
    4. Connects nodes with no outgoing edges or specified as additional
       end nodes to the sink node.
    5. Stores the edges connected to the source and sink nodes.
    6. Initializes the width attribute to None.

    - ValueError: If the base graph is not a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

    if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.base_graph):
        raise ValueError("The base graph must be a directed acyclic graph.")


    for u in self.base_graph.nodes:
        if self.base_graph.in_degree(u) == 0 or u in self.additional_starts:
            self.add_edge(self.source, u)
        if self.base_graph.out_degree(u) == 0 or u in self.additional_ends:
            self.add_edge(u, self.sink)

    self.source_edges = list(self.out_edges(self.source))
    self.sink_edges = list(self.in_edges(self.sink))

    self.source_sink_edges = set(self.source_edges + self.sink_edges)

    self.width = None

    self.topological_order = list(nx.topological_sort(self))
    self.topological_order_rev = list(reversed(self.topological_order))

    # These two dict store the set of node (resp. edges) reachable from each node, including the node itself
    self.reachable_nodes_from = {node:{node} for node in self.nodes()}
    self.reachable_edges_from = {node:set() for node in self.nodes()}
    # Initialize reachable_nodes_from and reachable_edges_from by 
    # traversing the nodes in reverse topoloigical order.
    for node in self.topological_order_rev:
        for v in self.successors(node):
            self.reachable_nodes_from[node] |= self.reachable_nodes_from[v]
            self.reachable_edges_from[node] |= self.reachable_edges_from[v]
            self.reachable_edges_from[node] |= {(node, v)}

    # These two dict store the set of node (resp. edges) reverse reachable from each node
    self.reachable_nodes_rev_from = {node:{node} for node in self.nodes()}
    self.reachable_edges_rev_from = {node:set() for node in self.nodes()}
    # Initialize reachable_nodes_from and reachable_edges_from by 
    # traversing the nodes in reverse topoloigical order.
    for node in self.topological_order:
        for v in self.predecessors(node):
            self.reachable_nodes_rev_from[node] |= self.reachable_nodes_rev_from[v]
            self.reachable_edges_rev_from[node] |= self.reachable_edges_rev_from[v]
            self.reachable_edges_rev_from[node] |= {(v, node)}


compute_max_edge_antichain(get_antichain=False, weight_function=None)

Computes the maximum edge antichain in a directed graph.

  • get_antichain (bool): If True, the function also returns the antichain along with its cost. Default is False.
  • weight_function (dict): A dictionary where keys are edges (tuples) and values are weights. If None, weights 1 are used for original graph edges, and weights 0 are used for global source / global sink edges. If given, the antichain weight is computed as the sum of the weights of the edges in the antichain, where edges that have some missing weight again get weight 0. Default is None.
  • If get_antichain is False, returns the size of maximum edge antichain.
  • If get_antichain is True, returns a tuple containing the size of maximum edge antichain and the antichain.
Source code in flowpaths/
def compute_max_edge_antichain(self, get_antichain=False, weight_function=None):
    Computes the maximum edge antichain in a directed graph.

    - get_antichain (bool): If True, the function also returns the antichain along with its cost. Default is False.
    - weight_function (dict): A dictionary where keys are edges (tuples) and values are weights.
            If None, weights 1 are used for original graph edges, and weights 0 are used for global source / global sink edges.
            If given, the antichain weight is computed as the sum of the weights of the edges in the antichain,
            where edges that have some missing weight again get weight 0.
            Default is None.

    - If get_antichain is False, returns the size of maximum edge antichain.
    - If get_antichain is True, returns a tuple containing the
            size of maximum edge antichain and the antichain.

    G_nx = nx.DiGraph()
    demand = dict()


    for u, v in self.edges():
        # the cost of each path is 1
        cost = 1 if u == self.source else 0

        edge_demand = int(u != self.source and v != self.sink)
        if weight_function:
            edge_demand = weight_function.get((u, v), 0)

        demand[(u, v)] = edge_demand
        # adding the edge
        G_nx.add_edge(u, v, l=demand[(u, v)], u=graphutils.bigNumber, c=cost)

    minFlowCost, minFlow = graphutils.min_cost_flow(G_nx, self.source, self.sink)

    def DFS_find_reachable_from_source(u, visited):
        if visited[u] != 0:
        assert u != self.sink
        visited[u] = 1
        for v in self.successors(u):
            if minFlow[u][v] > demand[(u, v)]:
                DFS_find_reachable_from_source(v, visited)
        for v in self.predecessors(u):
            DFS_find_reachable_from_source(v, visited)

    def DFS_find_saturating(u, visited):
        if visited[u] != 1:
        visited[u] = 2
        for v in self.successors(u):
            if minFlow[u][v] > demand[(u, v)]:
                DFS_find_saturating(v, visited)
            elif (
                minFlow[u][v] == demand[(u, v)]
                and demand[(u, v)] >= 1
                and visited[v] == 0
                antichain.append((u, v))
        for v in self.predecessors(u):
            DFS_find_saturating(v, visited)

    if get_antichain:
        antichain = []
        visited = {node: 0 for node in self.nodes()}
        DFS_find_reachable_from_source(self.source, visited)
        DFS_find_saturating(self.source, visited)
        if weight_function:
            assert minFlowCost == sum(
                map(lambda edge: weight_function[edge], antichain)
            assert minFlowCost == len(antichain)
        return minFlowCost, antichain

    return minFlowCost


decompose_using_max_bottleck(flow_attr: str)

Decomposes the flow greedily into paths using the maximum bottleneck algorithm. This method iteratively finds the path with the maximum bottleneck capacity in the graph and decomposes the flow along that path. The process continues until no more paths can be found.

  • tuple: A tuple containing two lists:
    • paths (list of lists): A list of paths, where each path is represented as a list of nodes.
    • weights (list): A list of weights (bottleneck capacities) corresponding to each path.
Source code in flowpaths/
def decompose_using_max_bottleck(self, flow_attr: str):
    Decomposes the flow greedily into paths using the maximum bottleneck algorithm.
    This method iteratively finds the path with the maximum bottleneck capacity
    in the graph and decomposes the flow along that path. The process continues
    until no more paths can be found.

    - tuple: A tuple containing two lists:
        - paths (list of lists): A list of paths, where each path is represented
            as a list of nodes.
        - weights (list): A list of weights (bottleneck capacities) corresponding to each path.

    paths = list()
    weights = list()

    temp_G = nx.DiGraph()
    temp_G.remove_nodes_from([self.source, self.sink])

    while True:
        bottleneck, path = graphutils.maxBottleckPath(temp_G, flow_attr)
        if path is None:

        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            temp_G[path[i]][path[i + 1]][flow_attr] -= bottleneck


    return (paths, weights)


get_max_flow_value_and_check_positive_flow(flow_attr: str, edges_to_ignore: set) -> float

Determines the maximum flow value in the graph and checks for positive flow values.

This method iterates over all edges in the graph, ignoring edges specified in self.edges_to_ignore. It checks if each edge has the required flow attribute specified by self.flow_attr. If an edge does not have this attribute, a ValueError is raised. If an edge has a negative flow value, a ValueError is raised. The method returns the maximum flow value found among all edges.

  • float: The maximum flow value among all edges in the graph.
  • ValueError: If an edge does not have the required flow attribute.
  • ValueError: If an edge has a negative flow value.
Source code in flowpaths/
def get_max_flow_value_and_check_positive_flow(
    self, flow_attr: str, edges_to_ignore: set
) -> float:
    Determines the maximum flow value in the graph and checks for positive flow values.

    This method iterates over all edges in the graph, ignoring edges specified in
    `self.edges_to_ignore`. It checks if each edge has the required flow attribute
    specified by `self.flow_attr`. If an edge does not have this attribute, a
    ValueError is raised. If an edge has a negative flow value, a ValueError is
    raised. The method returns the maximum flow value found among all edges.

    - float: The maximum flow value among all edges in the graph.

    - ValueError: If an edge does not have the required flow attribute.
    - ValueError: If an edge has a negative flow value.

    w_max = float("-inf")
    if edges_to_ignore is None:
        edges_to_ignore = set()

    for u, v, data in self.edges(data=True):
        if (u, v) in edges_to_ignore:
        if not flow_attr in data:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Edge ({u},{v}) does not have the required flow attribute '{flow_attr}'. Check that the attribute passed under 'flow_attr' is present in the edge data."
        if data[flow_attr] < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Edge ({u},{v}) has negative flow value {data[flow_attr]}. All flow values must be >=0."
        w_max = max(w_max, data[flow_attr])

    return w_max


get_non_zero_flow_edges(flow_attr: str, edges_to_ignore: set = set()) -> set

Get all edges with non-zero flow values.


set A set of edges (tuples) that have non-zero flow values.

Source code in flowpaths/
def get_non_zero_flow_edges(
    self, flow_attr: str, edges_to_ignore: set = set()
) -> set:
    Get all edges with non-zero flow values.

        A set of edges (tuples) that have non-zero flow values.

    non_zero_flow_edges = set()
    for u, v, data in self.edges(data=True):
        if (u, v) not in edges_to_ignore and data.get(flow_attr, 0) != 0:
            non_zero_flow_edges.add((u, v))

    return non_zero_flow_edges


get_width() -> int

Calculate and return the width of the graph. The width is computed as the maximum edge antichain if it has not been previously calculated and stored. If the width has already been computed, the stored value is returned.

  • int: The width of the graph.
Source code in flowpaths/
def get_width(self) -> int:
    Calculate and return the width of the graph.
    The width is computed as the maximum edge antichain if it has not been
    previously calculated and stored. If the width has already been computed,
    the stored value is returned.

    - int: The width of the graph.

    if self.width == None:
        width = self.compute_max_edge_antichain()
        self.width = width

    return self.width